ͼÏñ´¦ÀíÀà¿â´úÂëÈçÏ£º À´Ô´£ºhttp://www.oschina.net/code/snippet_121928_4030 <?php /** * Image Àà */ class Image { /** * @var string $fileName ÎļþÃû * @access private */ private $fileName = ''; /** * @var gd resource $imageResource ÔͼÏñ * @access private */ private $imageResource = NULL; /** * @var int $imageWidth ÔͼÏñ¿í * @access private */ private $imageWidth = NULL; /** * @var int $imageHeight ÔͼÏñ¸ß * @access private */ private $imageHeight = NULL; /** * @var int $imageType ÔͼÏñÀàÐÍ * @access private */ private $imageType = NULL; /** * @var int $imageWidth ÔͼÏñ¿í * @access private */ public $width = NULL; /** * @var int $imageHeight ÔͼÏñ¸ß * @access private */ public $height = NULL; /** * @var int $imageType ÔͼÏñÀàÐÍ * @access private */ public $type = NULL; /** * @var int $newResource ÐÂͼÏñ * @access private */ private $newResource = NULL; /** * @var int $newResType ÐÂͼÏñÀàÐÍ * @access private */ private $newResType = NULL; /** * ¹¹Ô캯Êý * @param string $fileName ÎļþÃû */ public function __construct($fileName = NULL) { $this->fileName = $fileName; if ($this->fileName) { $this->getSrcImageInfo(); } } /** * ȡԴͼÏñÐÅÏ¢ * @access private * @return void */ private function getSrcImageInfo() { $info = $this->getImageInfo(); $this->imageWidth = $info[0]; $this->imageHeight = $info[1]; $this->imageType = $info[2]; $this->width = $info[0]; $this->height = $info[1]; $this->type = $info[2]; } /** * ȡͼÏñÐÅÏ¢ * @param string $fileName ÎļþÃû * @access private * @return array */ private function getImageInfo($fileName = NULL) { if ($fileName==NULL) { $fileName = $this->fileName; } $info = getimagesize($fileName); return $info; } /** * ´´½¨Ô´Í¼ÏñGD ×ÊÔ´ * @access private * @return void */ private function createSrcImage () { $this->imageResource = $this->createImageFromFile(); } /** * ¸ú¾ÝÎļþ´´½¨Í¼ÏñGD ×ÊÔ´ * @param string $fileName ÎļþÃû * @return gd resource */ public function createImageFromFile($fileName = NULL) { if (!$fileName) { $fileName = $this->fileName; $imgType = $this->imageType; } if (!is_readable($fileName) || !file_exists($fileName)) { throw new Exception('Unable to open file "' . $fileName . '"'); } if (!$imgType) { $imageInfo = $this->getImageInfo($fileName); $imgType = $imageInfo[2]; } switch ($imgType) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $tempResource = imagecreatefromgif($fileName); break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $tempResource = imagecreatefromjpeg($fileName); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $tempResource = imagecreatefrompng($fileName); break; case IMAGETYPE_WBMP: $tempResource = imagecreatefromwbmp($fileName); break; case IMAGETYPE_XBM: $tempResource = imagecreatefromxbm($fileName); break; default: throw new Exception('Unsupport image type'); } return $tempResource; } /** * ¸Ä±äͼÏñ´óС * @param int $width ¿í * @param int $height ¸ß * @param string $flag Ò»°ã¶øÑÔ,ÔÊÐí½ØͼÔòÓÃ4,²»ÔÊÐí½ØͼÔòÓÃ1; ¼ÙÉèÒªÇóÒ»¸öΪ4:3±ÈÀýµÄͼÏñ,Ôò:4=Èç¹ûÌ«³¤Ôò×Ô¶¯„h³ýÒ»²¿·Ö 0=³¤¿íת»»³É²ÎÊýÖ¸¶¨µÄ 1=°´±ÈÀýËõ·Å,×Ô¶¯ÅжÏÌ«³¤»¹ÊÇÌ«¿í,³¤¿íÔ¼ÊøÔÚ²ÎÊýÖ¸¶¨ÄÚ 2=ÒÔ¿íΪԼÊøËõ·Å 3=ÒÔ¸ßΪԼÊøËõ·Å * @param string $bgcolor Èç¹û²»Îªnull,ÔòÓÃÕâ¸ö²ÎÊýÖ¸¶¨µÄÑÕÉ«×÷Ϊ±³¾°É«,²¢ÇÒͼÏñÀ©³äµ½Ö¸¶¨¸ß¿í,¸Ã²ÎÊýÓ¦¸ÃÊÇÒ»¸öÊý×é; * @return string */ public function resizeImage($width, $height, $flag=1, $bgcolor=null) { $widthRatio = $width/$this->imageWidth; $heightRatio = $height/$this->imageHeight; switch ($flag) { case 1: if ($this->imageHeight < $height && $this->imageWidth < $width) { $endWidth = $this->imageWidth; $endHeight = $this->imageHeight; //return; } elseif (($this->imageHeight * $widthRatio)>$height) { $endWidth = ceil($this->imageWidth * $heightRatio); $endHeight = $height; } else { $endWidth = $width; $endHeight = ceil($this->imageHeight * $widthRatio); } break; case 2: $endWidth = $width; $endHeight = ceil($this->imageHeight * $widthRatio); break; case 3: $endWidth = ceil($this->imageWidth * $heightRatio); $endHeight = $height; break; case 4: $endWidth2 = $width; $endHeight2 = $height; if ($this->imageHeight < $height && $this->imageWidth < $width) { $endWidth = $this->imageWidth; $endHeight = $this->imageHeight; //return; } elseif (($this->imageHeight * $widthRatio)<$height) { $endWidth = ceil($this->imageWidth * $heightRatio); $endHeight = $height; } else { $endWidth = $width; $endHeight = ceil($this->imageHeight * $widthRatio); } break; default: $endWidth = $width; $endHeight = $height; break; } if ($this->imageResource==NULL) { $this->createSrcImage(); } if($bgcolor){ $this->newResource = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height); $bg=ImageColorAllocate($this->newResource,$bgcolor[0],$bgcolor[1],$bgcolor[2]); ImageFilledRectangle($this->newResource,0,0,$width,$height,$bg); $tox=ceil(($width-$endWidth)/2); $toy=ceil(($height-$endHeight)/2); if($tox<0) $tox=0; if($toy<0) $toy=0; }else if ($flag==4) { $this->newResource = imagecreatetruecolor($endWidth2,$endHeight2); }else { $this->newResource = imagecreatetruecolor($endWidth,$endHeight); } $this->newResType = $this->imageType; imagecopyresampled($this->newResource, $this->imageResource, $tox, $toy, 0, 0, $endWidth, $endHeight,$this->imageWidth,$this->imageHeight); } /** * ¸øͼÏñ¼Óˮӡ * @param string $waterContent ˮӡÄÚÈÝ¿ÉÒÔÊÇͼÏñÎļþÃû£¬Ò²¿ÉÒÔÊÇÎÄ×Ö * @param int $pos λÖÃ0-9¿ÉÒÔÊÇÊý×é * @param int $textFont ×ÖÌå´ó×Ö£¬µ±Ë®Ó¡ÄÚÈÝÊÇÎÄ×ÖʱÓÐЧ * @param string $textColor ÎÄ×ÖÑÕÉ«£¬µ±Ë®Ó¡ÄÚÈÝÊÇÎÄ×ÖʱÓÐЧ * @return string */ public function waterMark($waterContent, $pos = 0, $textFont=5, $textColor="#ffffff") { $isWaterImage = file_exists($waterContent); if ($isWaterImage) { $waterImgRes = $this->createImageFromFile($waterContent); $waterImgInfo = $this->getImageInfo($waterContent); $waterWidth = $waterImgInfo[0]; $waterHeight = $waterImgInfo[1]; } else { $waterText = $waterContent; //$temp = @imagettfbbox(ceil($textFont*2.5),0,"./cour.ttf",$waterContent); if ($temp) { $waterWidth = $temp[2]-$temp[6]; $waterHeight = $temp[3]-$temp[7]; } else { $waterWidth = 100; $waterHeight = 12; } } if ($this->imageResource==NULL) { $this->createSrcImage(); } switch($pos) { case 0://Ëæ»ú $posX = rand(0,($this->imageWidth - $waterWidth)); $posY = rand(0,($this->imageHeight - $waterHeight)); break; case 1://1Ϊ¶¥¶Ë¾Ó×ó $posX = 0; $posY = 0; break; case 2://2Ϊ¶¥¶Ë¾ÓÖÐ $posX = ($this->imageWidth - $waterWidth) / 2; $posY = 0; break; case 3://3Ϊ¶¥¶Ë¾ÓÓÒ $posX = $this->imageWidth - $waterWidth; $posY = 0; break; case 4://4ΪÖв¿¾Ó×ó $posX = 0; $posY = ($this->imageHeight - $waterHeight) / 2; break; case 5://5ΪÖв¿¾ÓÖÐ $posX = ($this->imageWidth - $waterWidth) / 2; $posY = ($this->imageHeight - $waterHeight) / 2; break; case 6://6ΪÖв¿¾ÓÓÒ $posX = $this->imageWidth - $waterWidth; $posY = ($this->imageHeight - $waterHeight) / 2; break; case 7://7Ϊµ×¶Ë¾Ó×ó $posX = 0; $posY = $this->imageHeight - $waterHeight; break; case 8://8Ϊµ×¶Ë¾ÓÖÐ $posX = ($this->imageWidth - $waterWidth) / 2; $posY = $this->imageHeight - $waterHeight; break; case 9://9Ϊµ×¶Ë¾ÓÓÒ $posX = $this->imageWidth - $waterWidth-20; $posY = $this->imageHeight - $waterHeight-10; break; default://Ëæ»ú $posX = rand(0,($this->imageWidth - $waterWidth)); $posY = rand(0,($this->imageHeight - $waterHeight)); break; } imagealphablending($this->imageResource, true); if($isWaterImage) { imagecopy($this->imageResource, $waterImgRes, $posX, $posY, 0, 0, $waterWidth,$waterHeight); } else { $R = hexdec(substr($textColor,1,2)); $G = hexdec(substr($textColor,3,2)); $B = hexdec(substr($textColor,5)); $textColor = imagecolorallocate($this->imageResource, $R, $G, $B); imagestring ($this->imageResource, $textFont, $posX, $posY, $waterText, $textColor); } $this->newResource = $this->imageResource; $this->newResType = $this->imageType; } /** * Éú³ÉÑéÖ¤ÂëͼƬ * @param int $width ¿í * @param string $height ¸ß * @param int $length ³¤¶È * @param int $validType 0=Êý×Ö,1=×Öĸ,2=Êý×Ö¼Ó×Öĸ * @param string $textColor ÎÄ×ÖÑÕÉ« * @param string $backgroundColor ±³¾°ÑÕÉ« * @return void */ public function imageValidate($width, $height, $length = 4, $validType = 1, $textColor = '#000000', $backgroundColor = '#ffffff') { if ($validType==1) { $validString = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $validLength = 52; } elseif ($validType==2) { $validString = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $validLength = 62; } else { $validString = '123456789'; $validLength = 9; } srand((int)time()); $valid = ''; for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) { $valid .= $validString{rand(0, $validLength-1)}; } $this->newResource = imagecreate($width,$height); $bgR = hexdec(substr($backgroundColor,1,2)); $bgG = hexdec(substr($backgroundColor,3,2)); $bgB = hexdec(substr($backgroundColor,5,2)); $backgroundColor = imagecolorallocate($this->newResource, $bgR, $bgG, $bgB); $tR = hexdec(substr($textColor,1,2)); $tG = hexdec(substr($textColor,3,2)); $tB = hexdec(substr($textColor,5,2)); $textColor = imagecolorallocate($this->newResource, $tR, $tG, $tB); for ($i=0;$i<strlen($valid);$i++){ imagestring($this->newResource,5,$i*$width/$length+3,2, $valid[$i],$textColor); } $this->newResType = IMAGETYPE_JPEG; return $valid; } /** * ÏÔʾÊä³öͼÏñ * @return void */ public function display($fileName='', $quality=100) { $imgType = $this->newResType; $imageSrc = $this->newResource; switch ($imgType) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: if ($fileName=='') { header('Content-type: image/gif'); } imagegif($imageSrc, $fileName, $quality); break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: if ($fileName=='') { header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); } imagejpeg($imageSrc, $fileName, $quality); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: if ($fileName=='') { header('Content-type: image/png'); imagepng($imageSrc); } else { imagepng($imageSrc, $fileName); } break; case IMAGETYPE_WBMP: if ($fileName=='') { header('Content-type: image/wbmp'); } imagewbmp($imageSrc, $fileName, $quality); break; case IMAGETYPE_XBM: if ($fileName=='') { header('Content-type: image/xbm'); } imagexbm($imageSrc, $fileName, $quality); break; default: throw new Exception('Unsupport image type'); } imagedestroy($imageSrc); } /** * ±£´æͼÏñ * @param int $fileNameType ÎļþÃûÀàÐÍ 0ʹÓÃÔÎļþÃû£¬1ʹÓÃÖ¸¶¨µÄÎļþÃû£¬2ÔÚÔÎļþÃû¼ÓÉϺó׺£¬3²úÉúËæ»úÎļþÃû * @param string $folder Îļþ¼Ð·¾¶ Ϊ¿ÕΪÓëÔÎļþÏàͬ * @param string $param ²ÎÊý$fileNameTypeΪ1ʱΪÎļþÃû2ʱΪºó׺ * @return void */ public function save($fileNameType = 0, $folder = NULL, $param = '_miniature') { if ($folder==NULL) { $folder = dirname($this->fileName).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $fileExtName = FileSystem::fileExt($this->fileName, true); $fileBesicName = FileSystem::getBasicName($this->fileName, false); switch ($fileNameType) { case 1: $newFileName = $folder.$param; break; case 2: $newFileName = $folder.$fileBesicName.$param.$fileExtName; break; case 3: $tmp = date('YmdHis'); $fileBesicName = $tmp; $i = 0; while (file_exists($folder.$fileBesicName.$fileExtName)) { $fileBesicName = $tmp.$i; $i++; } $newFileName = $folder.$fileBesicName.$fileExtName; break; default: $newFileName = $this->fileName; break; } $this->display($newFileName); return $newFileName; } } ?>
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