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[2016-03-26 10:17:13] NOTICE [1]: mc(,/test.php) [2016-03-26 10:17:14] NOTICE [1]: mc(,/test.php) [2016-03-26 10:17:14] NOTICE [1]: db(,/test.php) [2016-03-26 10:17:14] NOTICE [1]: db(,/test.php) [2016-03-26 10:17:15] NOTICE [1]: mc(,/test.php) [2016-03-26 10:17:15] NOTICE [1]: mc(,/test.php)
function call_high($func, $args, $expire=60){/*{{{*/ // Calulate key $key = md5(json_encode($func).json_encode($args)); // Get from memcached return $this->get_high($key, $func, $args, $expire); }/*}}}*/ // lock_expire should longer than db_func running time function get_high($key/* string or array*/, $db_func/*mixed*/, $db_args/*mixed*/, $expire, $lock_expire=10){/*{{{*/ if (!$this->mem){ return false; } $val = $this->get($key); // if(!$val){ // Maybe empty when FIRST get, otherwise, must something wrong, like the lock&work thread haven't refresh item before expire time. So we use a short lock expire time to allow more thread trying to refresh. } if ( $val && (!isset($val['t']) || !isset($val['i'])) ){ // don't have expire index? must be wrong. For logic layer to process. #Core_Log::get_instance()->notice("mc, no expire index"); return $val; } if ($val && ($val['t'] - $this->get_high_cal_time($expire) > time())){ // not expired #Core_Log::get_instance()->notice("mc"); return $val['i']; } // expired, allowed one process to refresh it if (!($this->get_high_lock($key, $lock_expire))){ // other process has refreshing it, so we quit with old data(or may be empty) #Core_Log::get_instance()->notice("other lock, we quit"); return $val?$val['i']:false; } #Core_Log::get_instance()->notice("db"); // get from user func, and set into memcache $db_info = call_user_func_array($db_func, $db_args); // may be empty, we also set into mc $this->set_high($key, $db_info, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, $expire, $this->get_more_expire_time($expire)); $this->free_high_lock($key); #Core_Log::get_instance()->notice("save and free lock"); return $db_info; } // These two functions should guarantee the refresh thread can do all work before realy expired. // So the work_time < cal_time + more_time protected function get_high_cal_time($expire){ return intval(min(10, max(0, $expire/5))); // [0, 10] } protected function get_more_expire_time($expire){ return intval(max(100, $expire*0.1)); // [100, ...) } function get_high_lock($key, $expire=100){ return $this->mem->add($key.self::HIGH_MC_LOCK_TAIL, 1, 0, $expire); // return true when not exists already, otherwise return false, use as mutex //return $this->mem->increment($key.self::HIGH_MC_LOCK_TAIL, 1); //can't, because increment will return false, if elem not exists already } function free_high_lock($key){ return $this->del($key.self::HIGH_MC_LOCK_TAIL); //return $this->mem->decrement ($key.self::HIGH_MC_LOCK_TAIL, 1); } function set_high($key, $val, $flag, $expire/*second*/, $more_expire=100){ if (!$this->mem){ return false; } // save expire time $expire_time = time()+$expire; $val = array('t'=>$expire_time, 'i'=>$val); $expire += $more_expire; // need more expire time, because we don't want return null when get_high return $this->set($key, $val, $flag, $expire); }/*}}}*/
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